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Google Glass

Google Glass


Project Glass was unveiled by Google in April 2012. It is the first virtual reality style glasses that is similar to a pair of normal glasses. It is like a computer built into a frame of a pair of glasses, giving users the smartphone-like experience just in front of them.


In April 2012, Google said that Google Glass started as a project in the company's not-so-secret Google X research lab.


In mid-2011, Google engineered a prototype that weighed 8 pounds (3.6 kg); by 2013 they were lighter than the average pair of sunglasses.


In April 2013, the Explorer Edition was made available in the United States for $1,500.


The product was publicly announced in April 2012. Sergey Brin wore a prototype of the Glass to an April 5, 2012, at an event in San Francisco. In May 2012, Google demonstrated for the first time how Google Glass could be used to shoot video.


In January 2015, Google ended the beta period of Glass (the "Google Glass Explorer" program). Despite Google's confirmation on 16 January that the Explorer programme was closing and the original Google Glass was being taken off sale on 19 January, the company also confirmed that this is not the end for Google Glass.


Back in September 2015,Google Glass 2 is forecasted to be released between January and May 2016.



  • It is extremely lightweight

  • Available in 5 different colours and also prescription-friendly version

  • Acts as a reminder for appointments

  • Acts as a map, providing directions and travel options

  • Acts as a camera, enabling you to take 5 megapixel photos and record 720p videos

  • Acts as a distributor where videos, information can be shared

  • Acts as a messenger to send text messages and emails



Application to our daily lives



With the built-in camera, you can use Google Glass simultaneously with Google Hangouts to video chat with friends and show what you are seeing.



Google Glass is capable of voice recognition. You can use verbal commands to take pictures, browse the Internet and even send text messages.



Google Maps allows you to navigate and hence, saving you the trouble of constantly looking down on the map. Without having a map in your hands, your hands are free to do other important things. Cooking apps in Glass provides you with the convenience of following recipes step by step without the trouble of referring to a recipe book.


Reminder and a Map

Taking a flight? Google Glass screen flashes a reminder of your flight information and directions to the nearest taxi. Want to upgrade your flight? You can upgrade your seat verbally using Glass. How to get to your hotel? Google Glass gives you step-by-step instructions for traveling to your hotel.


Application to the business context

According to a research report, employees who use wearable devices show an 8.5 increase in productivity, as well as a 3.5 increase in job satisfaction. Google launched a Glass at Work program to promote the technology to business users and allow developers to create custom business apps.



Sign language and translation services offered, could improve communication for companies with hearing-impaired employees or for companies with business partners from all around the globe.


Co-workers could meet and share screens at the same time, and hence contributing to organization-wide collaboration.


Real-time updates from co-workers increases the accuracy and efficiency when executing a job.



Apps can be used to help employees work smarter in a shorter amount of time. You can automatically check off items from your to-do list as you do them and also get help in prioritizing items based on their urgency.


Employees could have access to daily data updates, including Google Analytics, stock market changes and industry-relevant news.


Google glass is an easy solution for automating businesses’ knowledge management. Google Glass can quickly access client information via the cloud even when you are away from your computers.


Google Glass’s video function help businesses explore surfaces remotely, saving costly time and resources. This function has been successfully used for oil exploration.


Application to security

Google Glass has a cloud video recording feature which can capture real time interactions, provide backup for emergencies. This makes Google Glass a great option for police departments and security management industry. The NYPD, LAPD and other police departments are experimenting with using Glass for police work.


Application to education

Google Glass apps like YourShow, Glassentation and Speech Helper allow presenters to display and control slides for presentations and also view notes while presenting. In the future, apps may help with speech writing and with accuracy while practising speeches


Translation and  speech aid apps are already available for use during your presentation. This would ensure that you can deliver information at conferences, conventions, and other presentations even if you are not familiar with a particular language.


Application to the medical industry

Doctors could use software like Philips IntelliVue Solutions to manage information of patients. They can access and manage patient files during a patient visit without touching the computer.


The healthcare industry is finding ways it can leverage Glass and other IoT devices to increase efficiency with patient treatment.


Hospitals are considering Glass for the implementation of virtual doctor appointments, By using remote viewing, it allows virtual diagnosis to take place and then prescription via telemedicine.



Health Impacts

Google Glass can carry a risk of visual confusion as the eyes are not used to seeing different images.


Privacy invasion
  • Google Glass can take photos and record videos automatically and is less obvious compared to using a phone or camcorder.

  • Users might abuse the use of Glass in public settings. Glass can be voice-activated and can easily perform functions using keywords hidden in general conversation. This would allow users to look up information about the person in front of them and also take pictures of that person.

  • Users can also perform facial recognition for Web searching without the other person knowing.

  • Users can steal your passwords without you knowing



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